How to Prepare Your Pet Business For Sale Webinar

April 23, 2024 at 4:00pm PST / 7:00pm EST

Have you been thinking about selling your pet business or is selling your business something you might like to do even years from now? If so, this is the webinar for you.

Most pet business owners are so busy with the day-to-day items on their to do list that they don’t think about nor prepare for their future. Then one day they decide they are ready to sell (or want to simply walk away from the business). Because they haven’t prepared, these pet business owners end up making much less from their sale than they could have if they had taken simple steps to prepare ahead of time for the sale (or they make no money if they need or want to simply walk away from the business).

Regardless of if you want to sell your business six months from now or ten years from now, there are proven steps that you can take now which will result in more money and more ease in selling when that time does come.

Pet businesses are considered ‘hot’ businesses. There will be an eager buyer who will be happy to buy your pet business for the most money possible if you prepare your business for sale in a smart way.

Coach Kristin sold her 18-year old pet sitting business in 2013 and learned first hand the ins and outs of what it takes to sell a pet business. She’ll be sharing what she learned with you so you can be prepared and knowledgeable when the time comes for you to sell your business.

Whether you have just started your pet business or you have owned your pet business for years, this is the webinar to take to get your business in shape so you can get top dollar when you do decide to sell.

By attending this webinar you will learn:

  • What absolutely needs to happen to make the most money possible
  • Step-by-step preparation tips: from thinking about selling to actually listing your business for sale
  • How the purchase price gets determined and actions you can take now to increase that purchase price
  • Pros and cons of working with a business broker vs. selling yourself
  • Where and how to find a buyer if you decide to sell the business yourself
  • The ideal amount of time to prepare your business for sale
  • What increases the likelihood of selling your business quickly
  • Why focusing on your exit strategy now is so powerful – even if you are just starting your pet business
  • And more!

Details and FAQ about the Prepare Your Pet Business For Sale Webinar:

Date: Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Time: 4:00pm PST / 7:00pm EST

How long is this webinar? 60-75 minutes (there will be time for Q & A from the audience)

How much:

How does the class take place? You can access the class with your phone or computer. You’ll experience an interactive visual presentation on your computer or phone with Kristin answering Q & A at the end of the webinar.

How long do I have to sign up? It’s on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you think that you might want to sell your business at some point in the future and you have questions about how to do that, why not commit to your business and sign up today?

I can’t make it on the particular night that it is currently scheduled. Will you be offering this class on another night? At this time, we aren’t currently offering this webinar again on this year’s schedule of classes. If you are interested in attending this class on another night do email us to let us know you are interested and we may schedule another.

What if I won’t be home the night the class is happening? No problem! You can listen from the road or wherever you may be. All you need is a phone. You don’t even have to be in a quiet location because you will be muted. And guess what? If you really can’t make it on that night you can register now you’ll receive the recording the day after the class. How’s that for easy and convenient?

I’m tired of being on the phone. Why should I do this webinar? These webinars are fun! You’ll be be to connect with pet business owners from all over the world. And you’ll have access to the recording for 90 days after the live webinar too. You can watch, listen and learn from wherever you are or watch the webinar recording whenever works best for you. Many webinar attendees enjoy learning in their pajamas and from the comfort of their bed or while relaxing in their favorite chair. It’s up to you!

Is this class for pet business owners who have been in business for years? What if I’ve just started my pet business. Will this class help me? This webinar is for ALL pet business owners who want to sell their business, regardless of whether you want to sell your business now or even ten or twenty years from now. There are steps that you can take now that will prepare you for a great sale in the future!

New pet business owners will benefit from learning exactly needs to be done now to create a valuable asset and a “sellable” company. Long time pet business owners will come away prepared and knowledgeable for what it takes to sell their business if and when they decide to do that.

Okay, this sounds great! How do I sign up? It’s easy! Just click the registration button below to sign up.