100 FREE Places to List Your Business Online
Having your website listed on other websites accounts for a high percentage of your pet business website coming up higher on the search engines. Google and other search engines love links! If you are listed on lots of websites you are seen as popular and highly desirable. And as a business owner you can imagine the importance of being popular to search engines. 0hh-la-whee! It’s important. The higher you appear on search engines, the more clients you’ll have. So here’s my super yummy (only free marketing can be described as super + yummy) gift to you: 100+ FREE places to list your dog training, pet grooming, doggy daycare or other pet business online.
Click for the free download below and enjoy coming up higher on the search engines.
Ready to Make This Year the Best Year Ever?
This FREE goal-setting workbook, developed by Kristin Morrison for the pet business owners she coaches, will assist you in gaining clarity about what worked and what didn’t in your business and your life last year. It will also help you create crystal-clear goals for the next 12 months! You can complete this workbook at any time (not only at beginning of the year). This workbook will give you a teeny tiny taste of what will be in store for you when you experience Coach Kristin’s rockin’ Best Year Yet Coaching. Enjoy!
Click to download free pdf goal setting worksheet:
FREE Pet Sitting Tips and Tools Booklet
Just starting your pet sitting business or want to create even more success in your pet sitting or dog walking business? This free pet sitting and dog walking business tips and tools booklet will help! Click below to get started…
Click to download the free pet sitting tips and tools booklet:
FREE How to Hire Staff Members For Your Pet Business Tips and Tools Booklet
Do you want to hire pet sitters, dog walkers, dog trainers or doggy day care providers? Or have you already hired staff members and they haven’t been a good fit? If you are ready to hire or you want to hire even better staff members next time you hire, this free download with lots of hiring tips and tools will help you. Click the button below to begin your journey to hiring great pet staff members.
Click to download the free pet business hiring tips and tools booklet:
Prosperous Pet Business Podcasts.
Did you know that Kristin Morrison hosts a podcast called Prosperous Pet Business? You can listen to podcast episodes while you are out walking the dogs, driving to a dog training or pet sitting client or while doing household chores! When you subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts, you will get the podcast episodes delivered to your phone as as soon as new episodes are released. Or you can listen right now on the Prosperous Pet Business website by clicking this link to listen now to the Prosperous Pet Business podcast.
Co-Working with Pet Business Owners on the Focusmate Co-Working Platform:
Thanks to FocusMate, there’s now an online Prosperous Pet Business group so all pet sitters, dog walkers, pet groomers, dog trainers and dog day care owners can co-work together, virtually.

FocusMate is a FREE online app that allows you to connect with others around the world and work together—with instant accountability. Since pet business owners have joined FocusMate, many have found their business productivity has profoundly increased and in an easeful and fun way! Click to find out more and to sign up for the Prosperous Pet Business Focusmate group.
Facebook Group for Pet Business Owners:
Prosperous Pet Business Facebook Group is a no-cost group on Facebook hosted by pet business coach, author and speaker Kristin Morrison. This supportive Facebook group is for dog walkers, pet sitters, dog trainers, pet groomers and dog day care owners and all other pet service providers! Anyone who has (or is interested in starting) a pet business is welcome here. Come join Kristin and thousands of other pet business owners at the Prosperous Pet Business Facebook group.
Below are articles that have appeared in the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters (NAPPS) quarterly magazine and/or have appeared in Coach Kristin’s Six-Figure Business Tips and Tools Newsletter.
Please feel free to distribute to your pet business networking group or to any pet business owner owner that you think might benefit from them.